Water Heater Repairs: Unique Challenges and Solutions

JB Thompson • Nov 10, 2023

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Water Heater Repairs

Green Bay winters are cold, and you need a well-functioning water heater before winter hits. Do you know that Green Bay homeowners spend an average of $170 a year on water heater repairs? Having hot water is essential for daily life. Activities such as bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc. 

Water heaters develop problems over time and require regular water heater maintenance to function smoothly. Due to the lack of maintenance, you may face certain challenges. Homeowners can deal with some of these issues; however, others require professional help. 

In this blog, you will learn about the issues with water heater repairs, when to seek professional help, maintenance tips, and how to prevent future problems.

The Significance of Well-Functioning Water Heater

If you live in Green Bay, you know the temperatures can plunge dramatically, sometimes even to the negative. If your water heater breaks in such weather, it causes grave inconvenience. Without a working water heater, all the essential activities, such as showering, cleaning, and cooking will be freezing cold.

Common Water Heater Problems

Some common water heater problems homeowners may be able to fix. Check out these common problems before diving into the potential repairs.

Lack of Hot Water: One of the most common issues homeowners face with their water heater is that they have no hot water. There can be multiple causes, such as mineral buildup, heating element problems, thermostat issues, etc.

Leaking Tank: Leaking tank is evidence of structural damage, which indicates the need for water heater replacement. Call Garot Plumbing today.

Odd Noises: Never ignore the strange noises that your water heater makes. Anything unusual is an indication that something is wrong. It might be a small, such as sediment buildup, but it is a problem nonetheless and requires water heater repair.

Rusty Water: If you see rusty water while brushing your teeth or showering, it indicates corrosion inside the tank. It will lead to leaks, so you should call a professional to come over and look.

Low Water Pressure: Green Bay has hard water, which is a major cause of buildup, and this buildup restricts the water flow, causing low water pressure.

Foul Odors: The bacteria growing in the water cause a foul smell in water and require immediate attention from a professional.

Pressure Relief Valve Issues: If your pressure relief valve is malfunctioning, it is a safety concern, and you must contact an expert plumber for repair.

Unique Challenges in Water Heater Repairs

If you think you can repair the water heater at home, you must learn about these challenges that even professionals face.

  • Water heaters are complex machines and require specialized knowledge to repair them. 
  • Sometimes, repairs may involve dealing with gas pipelines and electrical connections, which can be hazardous if not handled properly with professional knowledge.
  • There are certain components inside the water heater that cannot be accessed and examined and require expert assistance.
  • Identifying the root cause of a problem requires a thorough understanding of the appliance. 

When Do You Need Professional Assistance?

You should contact a professional for water heater repair when your water heater starts acting up. Lots of people don't take this seriously, if you do then you will have less problems and extend the life of your water heater.

You must call for a professional water heater repair service in the following cases:

  • Gas Leakage
  • Leaking tanks.
  • Electrical issues concerning the water heater, such as the smell of a burning wire.
  • Less or no hot water
  • Pressure relief valve malfunctions
  • Complex plumbing work

Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

Regular water heater maintenance must be taken seriously if you wish to extend the life of your water heater. Some additional maintenance tips are discussed below:

Regular Flushing

Regularly drain and flush your water tank to remove sediments before they result in buildup.

Pressure Relief Valve Testing

Test the pressure relief valve annually to ensure it's functioning correctly.

Allow Adequate Space

Keep the space around the water heater clear and free of clutter. Also, keep any flammable materials away from the water heater.

Set the Temperature for Safe and Efficient Temperature

Adjust the thermostat for safe and efficient operation. Too high may burn people, too low may not be warm enough.

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Get your water heater inspected annually. Get it cleaned by professionals who can remove sediment buildup and inspect any potential problems.

Following these maintenance tips can prevent future water heater replacement cost and hassle. As Green Bay has hard water, you should install a water softener, which can reduce sediment buildup significantly.

Garot Plumbing for Water Heater Repair

Garot Plumbing is the best and most reliable company for plumbing issues in the Green Bay area. We were founded in 1946 and we can deal with every type of plumbing issue, including installation, repair, and replacement. If you don’t know what to do with your water heater problems, call us, and we will fix the issue.

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